Thursday, October 26, 2017

He Thinks I Am Radiant

Those who look to Him are radiant; 
their faces are never covered with shame.
~Psalm 34:5


Image result for she is radiant

I am, we are righteous!

adjective: righteous

1.  acting in accord with divine or moral law :free from guilt or shame or sin

Certainly, I am not (we are not) righteous on my (our) own. But thank God Almighty, we are righteous through the blood of Jesus Christ!  I am not free from guilt or sin, but because He died for me, my debt is paid and I am righteous,  Doesn't make sense does it?  Nope, it doesn't, but it is fact and I gratefully receive His grace!

Our worship team, Pursue Worship, has recently released an album.  I absolutely love all the songs on this album.  It has probably been since 1987 that I have popped a CD in and listened to it on repeat for weeks without listening to anything else.  I just can't get enough.  My most favorite song on this album is entitled THE CROSS IS ENOUGH. I cannot listen to this song without weeping!  I don't care if I heard it an hour ago and I hear it again, the tears just stream.  Our sweet, sweet Jesus paid it all for us on that cross.  Can you wrap your brain around that?  I literally cannot!  I love it, I believe, I receive it, I share it; but it is just too overwhelming for me to rationalize how or why He would do this for me-for us.....but He did.....and....He doesn't regret it!

Let me just share a line or two (or's just so good) of the lyrics:
The cross is enough
I've been washed by Your blood
My past has been healed
My futures is sealed
The cross is enough
My debt has been paid
Lord, I am what You say
I'm whiter than snow
and purer than gold
The cross is enough

Every sin, every stain
there's no exceptions
to Your never ending grace
You don't regret, the price You paid
You called me "worthy"
long before I called You "King"

These lyrics are powerful and full of truth. The truth of a God who loved us so much that He sent His only Son to save the world.  To save us, even before we ever acknowledged Him as Savior.

I pray you already know Jesus, but if you are reading this and you do not, PLEASE message me and I will be honored to share His story with you!  I will take you by the hand and lead you to throne of the King, where you too can find peace, forgiveness, righteousness.

As I sat at my dining room table one night trying to figure out what God was trying to teach me about strength, He led me to verse after verse about righteousness. So, I googled how many verses in the bible talk about righteousness.  I found 88!  I flipped through my bible and was surprised to find that I had over 30 of these verses highlighted from various sermons and bible studies.  He must really want us to know that the cross really was enough.  He died to set us free, to bring salvation, to give us grace and mercy, to make us righteous in the eyes of God.

If you are thinking, there is no way I can be forgiven for what I have done or that you have too much baggage; stop it!  Stop it now!  You are worthy, you can be forgiven, you are enough, you can be righteous.

If you still can't believe that our God redeems and restores, I challenge you to read the stories of these  women in the lineage of Christ: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary.  There are so many articles on the internet about these women and of course their stories can all be found in the bible, I don't want to rewrite what has already been outlined so beautifully.   I will tell you that their stories include prostitution, adultery, shame, lies and so much more.  However, God transformed each and everyone of these ladies.  He gave them hope, He made them new, He redeemed them and they are righteous women in the family tree of Jesus Christ.

Ok, I have an idea!  I want to share the Pursue Worship album with you.  It will speak to your soul.  I promise.

Subscribe (follow) to this blog and comment with your greatest strength, then next Wednesday (November 1, 2017) I will randomly select 5 people to give the Pursue Worship album, Let It Rise.

I look forward to hearing from you!  

Until next time,,,,,,,

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